Over 35 years’ experience in Vermont Law Enforcement with extensive state, local, and federal training in a wide range of public safety areas. Examples include the following:

Leadership Ability: 

Commanding officer of the statewide, multi-agency Vermont Drug Task Force, first commander of the Vermont Fusion Center for statewide intelligence and information sharing, Supervising Detective of major crimes investigators in three northwestern Vermont counties, Commanding Officer for the Vermont Governor’s Protective Services, and supervisor of uniformed police patrols. Life member, past President, and elected Trustee with over 15 years in the Vermont Police Association.

Investigative Ability: 

Over 9 years of major crime investigations as supervisor of detectives, lead investigator, investigative team member, and supporting detective. Investigated homicides, domestic violence, aggravated assault, elder abuse, illegal drugs, sexual assault, major theft, fraud, misconduct by officials, and allegations of misconduct by police and corrections officers. 3 years of undercover work into illegal narcotics crimes, and membership in state and federal task forces. Licensed by the Vermont Secretary of State as an Armed, Private Investigator and Qualifying Agent.

Specialized LE Ability: 

Protective Services to Vermont Governors and other dignitaries, Law Enforcement topic instructor for the New England State Police Compact (NESPAC), and the Vermont Police Academy (VT Criminal Justice Training Council). Investigative analyst in federal immigration law, Judge and Judicial security duty in both the US Federal District Court, the Vermont Supreme Court, and the Vermont state court system.